Get reliable & innovative results.
NB PharmaTox comes from academic research which is an indispensable asset for offering well-validated in vivo & in vitro services based on well-established procedures published in peer-reviewed journals. Working in strong collaboration
with CNRS-based research teams (Orléans – France) allows having strong expertise in both CNS human & murine cell models / assays on the one hand and in vivo mouse models of CNS diseases on the other hand. We are convinced that
exploitation of academic research results, in particular the « research & development » branch of public research, may breathe new life into CNS toxicity testing and CNS drug development.
Listening to your needs for your experimental set-up.
At NB PharmaTox, we make a point of customizing our procedures in order for our customers to get the most comprehensive and relevant results regarding to what they need. Therefore, we are strongly prone to adapt our protocols in order
to collect increased number of, or more accurate, data as it fully complies with one of the main pillars of our policy: 3R-based approaches, i.e. getting more / more accurate data in less experiments. Consequently, we provide cell-based
assays to « Replace » animal studies when possible and we use « Refined » experimental procedures to extract more data from one experiment. By doing so, we contribute to « Reduce » animal use in experimentations and increase animal welfare
when in vivo experiments are absolutely necessary.
Make sure to get a flawless collaboration.
By working with NB PharmaTox, you will benefit from more than 10 years of practical experience in the fileds of cellular & molecular biology, psychopharmacology (anxiety, depression, social behaviour…) and NeuroToxicity
(NT) & Developmental NeuroToxicty (DNT) testing. Our scientific expertise, ranging from in vitro / ex-vivo & in-vivo approaches enables providing a translational offer supporting CNS drug development programs of pharmaceutical
industries and environmental chemicals risk assessment studies.